One way of testing modules in Ruby is initializing the class that includes the module e.g a User model and then calling the methods using the class.
While there is nothing wrong with this, it’s overkill and is not a best practice.
A better way would be to create a regular class, include the module and use that class to test that method. Walk with me…
Let’s say we have a module named TaxHelper
module TaxHelper
def calculate_tax
## cool tax stuff here
In our test setup, we can create a new class and include the methods there.
subject do
klass =
klass.include TaxHelper ## klass.extend if we want class methods
Now we can test the module’s methods without having to use the main class.
expect(subject.calculate_tax(10)).to eq(tax)
And voila, we don’t have to load a huge class just to test a few methods.